Hong Kong
Living and working in Hong Kong is amazing, but it is not all amazing. Here you’ll find a list of what we find to be the greatest, and not-so-great things about Hong Kong.
Great way to grow your network of friends and professional acquaintances
Paid training and competitive monthly salary allow for excellent quality of life and savings potential
18 public holidays per year + 10 paid annual leave (according to the Monkey Tree academic calendar)
Foreign teachers are held in very high regard by the locals
Small class sizes and generally very well-behaved students makes teaching fun and a very manageable experience
Opportunity to work amongst different cultures and develop cultural awareness
Highest income tax bracket is only 16.5%
Excellent entry level and middle management positions to experience teaching and develop teaching skills
Huge support network to help grow as a teacher, mentor, colleague, and leader in the workplace
Easy application, on-boarding process, and arrival.
No experience required due to
comprehensive in-house training
Tons of entertainment means time not spent at work is never boring
Size of flats are small compared to Western Standard.
Saving money can be difficult given the amount of available entertainment
Friends come and go fairly regularly
Don’t necessarily get to choose which center you’re placed in
Intercultural management can be confusing and challenging at times
Hong Kong is far from home for most teachers, meaning that most people end up away from home for at least a full year.
Contractual penalties for leaving before 12 months
Late nights until 7:30 for two evenings a week
Not everyone can have consecutive days off
Air pollution is worse than in many other Western cities (though not nearly as bad as much of China)